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The best Keyboard Shortcuts computer tips and tricks

Most Known Keyboard Shortcuts: For a fast-running PC, users will need to know more keyboard shortcuts, there are some useful keyboard shortcuts for the two users. These strategies will not only waste your precious time but just follow the tips and tricks below.
So let's start...

  • Alt + print screen key to take a screenshot Copy only the active window to the clipboard.
  • Alt + Tab circles the running program.
  • Alt + Ctrl + Delete key helps to close the program with the task manager if no running program is working. To work directly in the task manager, press Ctrl + Shift + Esc.
  • Windows + D is used to minimize all windows.
  •  Window + Pause / BRAC to see system information
  •  Use Windows + P to set a second display or projector.
  •  To change the file name, we right-click, but press F2 to do this directly.
  • Windows + L to avoid annoyance from other programs.

Run Programs On Infected Pc: ​​If a program does not run due to the virus, then it can be renamed by changing the name to .exe.

Private Browsing Window: If you want to hide any website you are browsing on the browser

  • Ctrl + Shift + N New Private Window for Google Chrome Browser
  • Ctrl + Shift + P Private window for Mozilla Firefox browser.

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